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11 Madison Ave., Toronto
ON, Canada, M5R 2S2
Voice/Fax:  416.966.4656

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The official website of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, which administers all matters pertaining to Tibetans in exile, including the re-establishment, preservation and development of Tibetan religion, culture and education.


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Teachings by His Holiness The Dalai Lama on "The Heart Sutra", California in May 2001, provided by Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio.


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His Holiness The Dalai Lama conferred
The Kalachakra Initiation in Graz, Austria between October 11 and 23, 2002


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Free The Panchen Lama!!
Visit the Official Web Site to help

Long Life Prayer for The Panchen Lama by His Holiness The Dalai Lama

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Tashi Lhunpo Monastery

The Seat of His Holiness The Panchen Lama



Dedicated to the preservation of the Tibetan Buddhist religion and culture, Snow Lion Publications is the authoritative press in the West for Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Scriptures, as well as for other Dharmaware.  Their quarterly newsletter is filled with Dharma news and a catalogue of the many items they offer for sale.  "The Snow Lion" is available to be delivered as well as being online.

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The Canada Tibet Comittee (CTC) is a registered, non-profit organization with branches in several cities in Canada. CTC was formed in 1987 in response to growing unrest inside occupied-Tibet. Its goal is to create a structure within which concerned Canadians can work together with their Tibetan friends to develop increased Tibet-awareness in Canada.

Toronto Chapter

The Canada Tibet Comittee (CTC) Toronto Chapter's new site.  Keep posted about upcoming events, such as rallies and letter/signature campaigns. Also, see news and pictures from past events.

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TibetLink is about the aspirations of the Tibetans Worldwide. We have grown to become the Internet's largest and most active Tibetan online community providing chats, message forums, news, music, links, directories, search engines, calendar of events, and lots of other interactive features. We serve Tibetans around the world and are based in Toronto, Canada. Our goal is to provide a virtual space on the internet for Tibetans to freely communicate and exchange ideas thus "Linking Tibetans Worldwide".


Tibetan Cultural Center in Bloomington, Indiana:  This is the home site of Thubten Jigme Norbu, Takster Rinpoche, the elder brother of His Holiness The Dalai Lama.


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Jampa Ling Belfast is a residential centre in Ireland under the patronage of His Holiness The Dalai Lama and whose Spiritual Director and Resident Teacher is Ven. Lama Panchen Otrul Rinpoche.



Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition: Worldwide organization of Dharma Centers established under Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa.


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International Tibet
Independence Movement


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      Tibet Online


The Tibet Online Resource Gathering is operated by the International Tibet Support Group community, providing information on the plight of Tibet and serving as a virtual community space for the movement. This site contains a wealth of important links.


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The International Campaign for Tibet is with great effort and effectiveness working for the freedom of Tibet.


The Milarepa Fund actively supports the Tibetan struggle by educating the youth of the world, who represent a powerful vehicle to lend support to the cause of Tibet.  Includes Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


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North American Interfaith Network, which holds a yearly gathering called NAINConnect


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The Horizon Interfaith Communication Media Council is a non-profit organization whose members produce and air community television programs. Tengye Ling has been a member of Horizon for three years and thanks to Horizon and Rogers Television, has produced five programs on Buddhism. Horizon programs air every Sunday on the Community Channel 10 on Rogers Cable in Toronto, Brampton and Mississauga, as well as Shaw Cable in Scarborough. We are on the air between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

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